Tuesday 10 December 2013

Mary and Joseph Blaze A Trail Around Monkwearmouth

There may have been no room at the inn 2000 years ago, but Mary & Joseph were guaranteed a warm welcome today when the crew of Fulwell Community Fire Station offered to take them in for the night.
WM Steve Bewick receives the Holy Family from Rev. Dick Bradshaw
(c) Paul Child/Monkwearmouth Parish

The nativity figures from St. Andrew's Church Roker, plus their trusty donkey, have been travelling around Monkwearmouth Parish since the start of December as they make their way to the Crib Service at 4pm on Christmas Eve. Local residents, coffee shops, businesses and schools have offered them a bed, or at least a windowsill, for the night as the community joins together in a 'Posada,' originally a Mexican tradition that allows people to become part of the nativity story in the run up to Christmas.

When this came to the attention of Watch Manager Steve Bewick, it seemed natural for the Fire Station to be involved.

“We are always involved in the community, but especially at Christmas,” he said. “With the increased risks from candles, tree lights and paper decorations at this time of year it seemed right to not only be able to house this wandering family, but to remind people to stay fire safe.”

The Mary and Joseph figures
(c) Paul Child/Monkwearmouth Parish
Rev'd Dick Bradshaw said “It's wonderful for the whole of the community to be sharing in the journey of Mary & Joseph as we approach Christmas and the celebration of the birth of Jesus. There have been some very moving comments in the Posada diary from those who have hosted the couple so far.”

The fire crew's next task will be to safely deliver Mary & Joseph to Fulwell Junior school in time for their carol service tomorrow (Wednesday 11th December), with future stopping points including Lloyds Bank, Seaburn Dene Primary School & The Rowan Tree coffee shop.

For more information about the Posada, or the Christmas services in Monkwearmouth Parish, visit www.monkwearmouthcofe.com