To mark our celebration of the life of Benedict Biscop, patron saint of Sunderland and founder of the monastery and library of Wearmouth-Jarrow (feast day 12th January) we would like, very warmly, to invite as many who would be interested to a "monastic experience" led by Brothers George Guiver and Philip Nichols from the Community of the Resurrection, Mirfield.
This will take place at St Peter's, Monkwearmouth this coming Saturday, 10th January. The order for the day is as follows:
10.00 Opening session: illustrated presentation about monastic
life, including reference to Benedict Biscop etc;
Learning to sing some plainsong;
Worship: a simple form of morning prayer
11.30 Preparing a meal, including laying the tables.
A presentation on monastic meals;
Short midday office;
1.00 Silent meal, while a person reads from a book, and two or
three wait at table.
Communal clearing and washing-up.
2.00 Work (gardening, cleaning, mending, etc)
3.30 Tea in small groups, at which the experience so far is
4.30 Feedback;
A presentation on ministry and service (which today include
hospitality, counselling, serving others, teaching and so on)
5.30 Silent prayer;
6.00 Sing monastic Evensong together.
6.30 Final questions and reflections on the day
Everyone is invited to stay for all or part of the day, if preferred.
Brs George and Philip will be remaining with us for the service at 11am on Sunday morning and preaching. They also are offering to lead a session of Lectio Divina 45 minutes prior to the start of the service.
If anyone needs further information please contact Rev Dick Bradshaw on 07753116621,
Look forward to seeing you there!
Looks very interesting and I really hope all goes well