Thursday, 4 June 2015

Hand in Hand for Syria

Do you crochet or knit? If so, this is the article for you!

Cheryl Dawson, Chair of the Friends of Seaburn Dene Primary School group, is knitting blankets and clothing to donate to Hand in Hand for Syria, a UK Registered charity providing humanitarian support for the people of that country. In September she intends taking all she has created to their depot in Nottingham for it to be shipped directly to the estimated 12 million people in urgent need around the country, regardless of their political or religious affiliation.

If you knit or crochet, please consider making some warm clothing (especially for infants), blankets or even squares that can be stitched together to form a bigger item. Also, if you happen to have any spare wool, please could you pass that along to be used?

For more information or to get involved, please contact Rev. Paul Child via email (

To find out more about Hand in Hand for Syria visit their website:

Please do also continue to pray for Syria – for an end to the conflict, the violence and the senseless killing, for peace to reign in that place. The prayer below may be helpful. Thank you.

A Prayer for the Victims of the Syrian conflict

We pray for those damaged by the fighting in Syria.

To the wounded and injured:
Come Lord Jesus.

To the terrified who are living in shock:
Come Lord Jesus

To the hungry and homeless, refugee and exile:
Come Lord Jesus

To those bringing humanitarian aid:
Give protection Lord Jesus

To those administering medical assistance:
Give protection Lord Jesus.

To those offering counsel and care:
Give protection Lord Jesus.

For all making the sacrifice of love:
Give the strength of your Spirit
and the joy of your comfort.

In the hope of Christ we pray. Amen.

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