Wednesday, 19 March 2014

More Than A Book Scheme

We've just signed up to the Bible Society's "More Than A Book" scheme - a loyalty programme that provides cash-back, no strings attached.

Here's the deal. Whenever we as a church or you as an individual need Bible resources, see if they are available via the Bible Society shop -  – and every time you order the Parish will get 10% of the value.

It's a simple process - at the checkout, before payment the "More Than A Book" page comes up. The first drop-down box is for "county," so select "Tyne & Wear." Then click on the "church" drop-down, and select "St. Andrews" (the reference number is 10728).
Don't worry if you usually attend All Saints or St. Peter's - they've used St. Andrew's as the umbrella for the whole parish! Then finish purchasing your books as you normally would, and twice a year they send us the money. It costs you nothing extra, but earns that little bit more for our mission work.

Orders can be placed by individuals or we can appoint an 'agent' to gather group orders - either way there are no ties and we are free to order as and when we like. The more purchases we make the more money we earn for the parish, so it's well worth checking out their range before going via Amazon, etc!

If you are unsure what to do, or want to know more, contact Rev Paul Child at, or connect with the parish via Facebook or Twitter!

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