Saturday, 19 April 2014

Free buns cause a stir in Monkwearmouth

Shoppers in Sea Road, Sunderland, were left stunned, confused and delighted when clergy from the Monkwearmouth Team arrived on Holy Saturday to give away free hot cross buns.
The brainchild of Rev Andrew Watson, passers by & local businesses were offered a bun and a 'Happy Easter' as they went about their morning tasks.

“It was interesting to see how many people couldn't believe they were really free,” said Andrew, who had been offered the individually-wrapped buns by the local Tesco store he has been building links with.
“Some went in their pockets to make a donation, some avoided us at first then came back when they saw there was no charge, but the usual response was 'Free – are you sure?!'”

The event was part of St. Andrew's, St. Peter's & All Saints continuing efforts to show the love of Jesus to the communities they serve. Recently this has included forging close links with the homeless charity Centrepoint, starting a lunch club in association with Age UK and working with the Sunderland Health Trainer Scheme to help bring life in all it's fullness to the people of Monkwearmouth Parish.


  1. I obviously live in the wrong part of Sunderland ;-)

    1. :-) Hi Hawksword. Thanks for reading & commenting.
      You'll have to pop across next time we do something similar!
